March 26, 2006
Okay folks, you’re making me search here. It’s not easy keeping feeding this blog monster from central Missouri. So I just did what any good blogger would do. I Googled. I did a Google Images search first and besides Ram Cheerleader carwash pictures (no I’m not going to post them) I saw the RHS Planetarium logo.
So you get the Planetarium. You can find lots of information about it on the website, including show dates and time.
The Riverview Planetarium offers educational programming for the whole family. With a 56 seat theater and computerized Spitz A-4 projection system, Riverview can provide a wide variety of show formats. Shows are provided for school children of Sarasota County throughout the school year. Private shows are given to civic groups by appointment. The Riverview Planetarium is a window on the Universe which is made available to the citizens of our community.
The RHS Planetarium currently services over 4,500 students a year and is increasing show times and dates every year. For information about scheduleing a show, please e-mail; Jason Mocherman – Director.
The Riverview High School Planetarium was originally built in 1969 by the Sarasota County School Board. The projector was a Goto “Venus”, it along with the control system and a few special effect projectors cost the county ~ $20,000.
March 19, 2006
If you really want to mess me up then email me and say “Do you remember me?” with your married name and don’t give me the name we knew you by in high school. That’s what Nancy (Nelson) Gordon did. Then we spoke by phone and she said, “I just realized I didn’t give you my maiden name.” That’s why I was thinking, “Nancy Gordon?”
We had a great conversation. She and her husband live in Kansas City, MO which is just about 2 1/2 hours from my house and a city I’m driving through all the time. You can get caught up with her on our reunion website. She and her husband are in the organic soap business. You can find that on the web at Pearly Gates Organic Soapery.
Nancy is hoping to attend our reunion just like I hope everyone will that can.
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March 11, 2006
I’ve been doing a little bit of Googling around and found the RHS Cross Country Team Website. That was the only sport I lettered in. Looks like they need a little help updating the website. Gotta keep it fresh you know.
Then I was surfing around the school website. Found the latest issue of the Ram Page. Boy does that download slow. Do not try this on dialup. I see an issue for last September, nothing newer than that. It’s got twelve page but I could only stand waiting for 2 to download and I’m on pretty high speed.
So what’s new in your world? I just listened to the Gators (University of Florida) beat LSU on the web radio broadcast of the SEC tourney. That made my day.
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March 8, 2006
Well it’s been a little bit of a dry spell for posting. Travelling and blogging on multiple web sites will do that to you. Last week it was Anaheim, CA for the Commodity Classic. If you want to know anything about soybeans and corn just ask.
Here’s some news from our fearless leader Nancy:
We’ve located about half of our list of nearly 720 classmates and our goal is to complete the bulk of the remaining search by April 1st. At that time we’ll send out postcards by snail mail to everyone to notify them about the reunion, tell them about the websites, etc.. We are also hoping to have our ticket prices nailed down by the first part of April, so that when people finally log onto the main website they can finally book tickets online with a credit card.
Due to the multitude of up front costs associated with putting the reunion together and sponsoring teachers who have been invited and want to come, our site will soon support donations that can be paid with a credit card. Bennie hopes to have this set up shortly.
We will most likely offer a page where donations can be made to the memory of classmates who have passed away. The Tracy Ross Scholarship Fund will be an option for memorials as well as The Riverview High School Class of 1976 Scholarship Fund.
Sue Farrington Obenauer has taken on the mantle of searching for and successfully locating a number of teachers who are still around and are planning on attending one of the events (probably the Saturday night dinner). I can supply a list to you soon.
By the way, Nancy is moving to Sarasota. That means she can devote even more time and attention to our reunion. Right Nancy?
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February 26, 2006
Time to share some more emails. If you send in your email address I assume you want it posted. If not, let me know. It is great hearing from you.
Renee has some songs in mind:
Anything by the Isley Brothers; Earth Wind & Fire; Ohio Players; Kool & the Gang; Barry White and Love Unlimited Orchestra. Contact info for Renee (James) Benton –
From Sue (Swearingen) Stann:
Hi, This is Sue( Swearingen),now Susan Stann. I’m still playing and teaching drums. I’m looking forward to the reunion,and seeing old friends. My e-mail is I never know when I’m going to be in Fla.,or Ga.,or TX. so I’m glad to have 1 address that is accessible at all times. I’d like to catch up with some old band,orch.,and radio choir classmates before the reunion. Thanks a lot, Susan
From Diane (Brecht) Griffin
You have done a great job! Thanks for all your hard work. I’m sure you don’t remember me, that’s OK.
Take care and see you at the reunion, Diane
Folks, it was “short” term memory loss. Trust me. I remember (most) of you!
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Thanks to Janet (Whetzel) Slabaugh we have a band picture.
Do they look any different today? Anyone have a “now” photo of the band?
February 21, 2006
Hello there. This photo is to prove that we don’t blog 24/7. We did take time out to have supper on Valentine’s Day.
I’m getting a complex with the emails coming in with lines like “You won’t remember me . . . ” Why would people think that? I just don’t get it. Of course I remember (almost) everybody.
So, here’s some excerpts from some recent emails I’ve received.
From Ashley (Fay) Swartz
I love the website,and all your doing for what looks to be an amazing event. Kudos to Nancy Tatum,and the rest as well. I doubt you remember me (see what I mean about the remember thing?), as I graduated not as most in 76,but one year earlier. My name was Fay Swartz,and I believe we lived close by on Siesta Key. I moved to Vancouver B.C Canada for 17 years,and have been living in Southern California for the last 8 years.
It was a lot of fun reading about some of the alumni,and now a great motivator in wanting to attend,if I am able in October. Oh ,Songs??? For those of us,not into hard rock,but the girlie songs…………Seals and Crofts (WE MAY NEVER PASS THIS WAY AGAIN,AND SUMMER BREEZE). YES YES TO LED ZEPLIN,AND THE MOODY BLUES TOO.
From Mike Causey
You look good for a old guy. I am excited about our reunion and seeing old friends. Man, where did the time go? Just wanted to say hello and have a great day.
From Charles Curry
I’ve had some contact with Tom Paulk, and expect to have lunch soon with Nancy Tatom. I know Nancy ‘outed’ me on the Ram blog. It’s cool. I’m trying to get around to filling in my info on the reunion site. I look forward to hanging out with you in October. And do bring your clubs.
February 11, 2006
Thanks to our alert reunion director Nancy for pointing me to this story from the Sarasota Herald Tribune.
One of the most important buildings of the “Sarasota school” of architecture, the regional adaptation of mid-century modernism, is Riverview High School. It’s significant as the first public building in Florida by the undisputed leading architect of the Sarasota school, Paul Rudolph. Now, the structure, built in 1958, is slated for demolition.
I can’t say that I ever heard of Paul Rudolph. Now I have though. What do you think? Should they tear it down?
Janet (WHETZEL) Slabaugh sent in some pictures. This is from her and Dave’s wedding in 1980. They are all Riverview High graduates. They are Dave Slabaugh (1975), Dale Lutz (1975), Chris Whiteman (1976), Tom Smith (1980), Scott Whiteman (1975). As she says, “Dave and I celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary this past August.” Congratulations.
So here’s the same group this past fall.
Anyone else want to submit pictures? I think that I’ll put them all into an online photo album when I get a chance. I can keep adding to it.
It’s been a long last 2 weeks blogging on the road (again). I got to meet several interesting folks though like Willie Nelson. This was out in San Diego at the National Biodiesel Conference.
Daryl Hannah was another star there promoting this renewable fuel. I also got to meet Luke Perry and at the Cattle Industry Convention I at least got to record Sam Elliott, who uttered these famous words.
It seems like we’re getting the word out since I’ve gotten a couple updates from ClassMates about new members.
What’s new in your world?
January 29, 2006
This is not George Abbot, who is pictured on page 33 of the 1976 Tartan (yearbook). It is, of course, the distinguished Charles Curry.
How many of you knew that he pulled a fast one on the yearbook photographer and also pretended to be junior, George Abbot? He also made an appearance on pg. 201 (The wittiest)
I just noticed that Charles is one of the new people in Classmates with a picture. So here’s his “now.” He also says “Living in Valrico Florida for the last 4 years. Spent the previous 20 years in Atlanta. I am married (19 years) no kids. I spent 4 years in the Marines and got a BSEET from DeVry. I have worked for HP for the past 21 years. Currently as an Sales Consultant. I love to golf.”
I hope we get to see you and maybe play a round of golf.
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Music suggestions anyone? John Lipply offered these:
Jimmy Buffett, Led Zeppelin and the Outlaws
I think we’re on the same page.
January 22, 2006
I also got an email from Sue Ovenauer (Farrington). Here’s what she had to say:
. . . I didn’t see Mr.Yost’s name on the list (she’s speaking of this post & comments), however I see Mr. Crew and not the chorus director??!? Wassup with dat!??? HAH! I just spoke to David West a couple days ago and asked him if anyone was going to invite the teachers we liked and he said he thought maybe so– so i’m seeing the blurb on the reunion website but wondering is someone trying to contact these folks? I’m thinkin Mr. Yost was in his 30’s — he’d be around 60 something i’m thinkin now.. and still in town? where would he go?? HAH! It sounds like it’s gonna be a fun reunion! Will be looking forward to seeing everyone again! the website looks great! Thanks for taking charge here and keep us posted!
Take care! Sue
Here’s one way for me to keep you “posted” Sue. Thanks.
I don’t have a now picture of Pam yet but she did send in an email I’ll share.
You have done a great job getting this all set up! I have really enjoyed looking at everyone’s photos. I will get it togther and promise to post something to my portion. Look forward to seeing everyone in October!
I think she means the reunion website (Bennie has done an awesome job).
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Here’s a new Now & Then with Tom Paulk. That’s because I was looking around the reunion website and found him. He’s already been an active commenter on the blog. Hi Tom.
Here’s Tom now. He’s definitely trying to outclass the rest of us! Here’s his message from the reunion website: “Hey Everybody! Hope to see you at the reunion, each time I’ve attended, it’s been a fun & fantastic time. My career has changed from being a jet fighter jockey in the Navy, to owner of a Snelling Franchise. I’ve lived overseas a few times, Japan and New Zealand, but now live in Chesapeake, VA, for the last 10 yrs. I hope 2006 is a fantastic one for you, and yours. See you at the reunion!
See you there Tom.
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Here’s a new Now & Then with Jim Hoffman. He updated his listing on our reunion website and emailed me. Thanks a lot Jim.
Here’s Jim now with his wife Paola. He says: “I just sent in my bio and new picture finally. Thanks for being on the comittee. I missed the 10 and 20, but plan on being there this year. Can I help out with anything? Jim Hoffman (they used to call me Hopper kid).”
Jim I remember you but I just don’t remember the “Hopper kid” thing too well.
Just in case you missed the fact that you can subscribe to RamsReunion2006 I created a page which hopefully will help. If you’ve had any trouble subscribing you might want to try again. Some information on how to subscribe can be found here.
Let me know if you have any questions.
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January 16, 2006
I just thought of this idea while driving to Des Moines this evening. What else do you do when you’ve got 6 hours of driving? Think about ideas for our reunion right?
I’m sure our committee has probably discussed music and songs as they’re planning things. I thought it might be interesting to find out what songs you’d like to hear at our reunion. They wouldn’t necessarily have to be from our high school years although I can think of a lot of good ones. I’ve set up a page in the sidebar as a reminder to “Submit Your Songs.”
Use the comment feature to submit your song ideas or just email me. I subscribe to Yahoo Music Service (Unlimited). I could try to find and download the songs you submit and play them from my digital audio player during one or more of our functions. It’s just an idea.
I’ll get the ball rolling. A couple of songs that I would like to hear would be:
Blue Sky, Allman Brothers.
La Grange, ZZ Top.
Freebird, Lynyrd Skynyrd.
Oh my gosh there are so many more. How about you? What would you like to hear?
January 14, 2006
One of the latest emails I got was from David Hunt. He says I probably won’t remember him and he’s right. Sorry Dave. Dave says he only went to RHS for a little while so there’s no “then” photo but he did send along this “now” photo.
Thanks for sending in the photo Dave. Maybe we’ll see you later this year! Even if you didn’t graduate with our class we still love you.
I didn’t get a picture but I did hear from Patrick Cronin. Remember him? He’s certainly been applying the “thinking” cap in his career. You can see some of that on this staff bio page at the International Institute for Strategic Studies. That’s in London, by the way. Here’s an excerpt:
Dr. Patrick M. Cronin was appointed by President George W. Bush and confirmed by the Senate to the third-ranking post at the U.S. Agency for International Development—Assistant Administrator, Policy and Program Coordination. He has served as a director of studies at three different think tanks in Washington, D.C.: the National Defence University’s Institute for National Strategic Studies, the U.S. Institute of Peace, and, most recently, at the Centre for Strategic and International Studies.
If you want to send him a message just email me and I’ll forward. I won’t publish email addresses unless I have permission.
Let me know what you’re up to. We all want to know!
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