March 11, 2006

Rampaging Around The Internet

Category: Miscellaneous — Chuck @ 4:59 pm

Ram PageI’ve been doing a little bit of Googling around and found the RHS Cross Country Team Website. That was the only sport I lettered in. Looks like they need a little help updating the website. Gotta keep it fresh you know.

Then I was surfing around the school website. Found the latest issue of the Ram Page. Boy does that download slow. Do not try this on dialup. I see an issue for last September, nothing newer than that. It’s got twelve page but I could only stand waiting for 2 to download and I’m on pretty high speed.

So what’s new in your world? I just listened to the Gators (University of Florida) beat LSU on the web radio broadcast of the SEC tourney. That made my day.

mgid scam

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