March 19, 2006

Chatting With Nancy (Nelson) Gordon

Category: Alumni — Chuck @ 8:33 am

Nancy (Nelson) GordonIf you really want to mess me up then email me and say “Do you remember me?” with your married name and don’t give me the name we knew you by in high school. That’s what Nancy (Nelson) Gordon did. Then we spoke by phone and she said, “I just realized I didn’t give you my maiden name.” That’s why I was thinking, “Nancy Gordon?”

Pearly Gates SoaperyWe had a great conversation. She and her husband live in Kansas City, MO which is just about 2 1/2 hours from my house and a city I’m driving through all the time. You can get caught up with her on our reunion website. She and her husband are in the organic soap business. You can find that on the web at Pearly Gates Organic Soapery.

Nancy is hoping to attend our reunion just like I hope everyone will that can.

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