November 1, 2005

Official Announcement

Category: 30 Year Reunion — Chuck @ 1:17 am

Well the secret is out and now many of you are aware of the blogmonster. I’m certainly looking for ideas and content (pics, etc.). They’ve already started rolling in. I’ll post as I have time.

Here’s the announcement from our fearless reunion leader:

1976 RHS 30-Year Reunion!!!

Just wanted to let everyone know that plans are underway for our 30-year RHS class reunion! Please contact me with any questions or with any ideas you’ve got for making this an especially memorable reunion. Also, if you’d like to be involved with planning in some way, let me know that as well. I will be posting frequently here to let everyone know how things are going and what kind of help and input is needed.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Nancy Tatom


  1. Hi y’all !!

    I can’t wait for this reunion !! Has anybody ever taken a head count to find out how many of us are still in Sarasota and still never see each other?? I believe that we do but since all of us have aged so well we are just thinking that it must be the daughter or son of someone we knew in high school.

    I live on Bahia Vista Street near the old Dr’s Hospital. Every morning starts with an adventure I have to back out onto Bahia Vista. So if y’all ever pass the cute Lavendar House just honk – the webcam will be watching.

    Can’t wait to hear from old friends and maybe make some new ones.

    Comment by Kim Kimble — November 1, 2005 @ 5:52 pm

  2. There are times (mostly between now and spring) when I wish I was back “home” or at least in Florida somewhere. It snows here in Missouri. The first few years we called it “misery.”

    Comment by Chuck — November 2, 2005 @ 8:25 pm

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