October 30, 2005

How Do We Get The Word Out?

Category: Miscellaneous — Chuck @ 7:56 pm

Well I thought I could send out an announcement by email through Classmates to those of us who have an account there. However, they don’t let you do that. It’s part of their wanting to keep you in their system.

I haven’t heard anything lately from our committee so I’m not sure where things stand but hopefully we’ll have more news soon.



  1. Hi Chuck! Wow! Does this blog ever look great!! You’ve done a great job!

    I just set myself up as the reunion contact at Classmates.com which allows me to send out bulk e-mails to everyone. I am going to find a way to send out a message to everyone listed there from our graduating class announcing this site….will probably have to spell out the website (as in, ramsreunion2006 dot com) and hope everyone catches on.

    I love all the posts you’ve set up here, and feel sure that you’ll soon be getting lots of responses. Talk to you soon!

    Comment by Nancy Tatom — November 1, 2005 @ 9:32 pm

  2. Got your announcement and posted it. Also seeing some alumni activity already.

    Comment by Chuck — November 1, 2005 @ 2:08 pm

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