October 30, 2005
Do you remember eating cafeteria food? What was your favorite or least favorite? Whatever it was the menu has changed. Here’s what’s on it for tomorrow:
Turkey Submarine
Egg Salad Platter
Spinach/Garden Cup
Fresh Fruit Cup/ Peaches
Chilled Orange Juice
What ever happened to hamburgers, french fries, tater tots, etc.? What is spinach/garden cup and what self-respecting teen would eat it? The pizza sounds okay, as long as there’s some major amounts of cheese and pepperoni on it!
Well I thought I could send out an announcement by email through Classmates to those of us who have an account there. However, they don’t let you do that. It’s part of their wanting to keep you in their system.
I haven’t heard anything lately from our committee so I’m not sure where things stand but hopefully we’ll have more news soon.
October 16, 2005
New feature enabled on Rams Reunion. Now you can subscribe and automatically get all the updates. How you ask? Well, first you need a news aggregator like NewsGator or Bloglines. They’re free or you can pay a small fee for the expanded versions. They’re easy to install and use.
Once you have one of these babies (I use NewsGator), then you subscribe to the “Site Feed,” which you’ll find in the right sidebar. You’ll want to insert the url for the feed – /wp-rss2.php – into the correct place in the news aggregtor software you’re using.
Then all you have to do is check your feeds and you’ll get any updates I post to the site! It’s really easy and if you have any questions just email me.
October 10, 2005
I’m really looking forward to developing this site some more. We need to get some information on the reunion but I know that we’re still in planning.
My wife, Cindy, had her 30th reunion this past month and started a blog about it. You can see what she’s doing with it here.
I will start looking for some more stuff to post and would welcome anything you’d like to send me.
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October 1, 2005
I didn’t even know there was a website for the Riverview High School Kiltie Band until I just found it on Google. Check it out. It needs some updating but it’s got a lot of pages and information and a few pics.
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