October 22, 2006

Siesta Key Pavilion

Category: 30 Year Reunion — Chuck @ 7:45 am

Siesta Key BeachI forgot that I took a picture while I was at Siesta Key Beach on my phone.

I didn’t take my camera out on the beach so this is all I got.

The beach looked great. Same old white sand.

The homes and condos looked different though. I guess it just keeps getting built up and old ones get torn down to build new ones.


1 Comment

  1. Chuck- I totally agree with you about the sand. One Sunday evening a couple of yrs ago, I went out to the beach, and the sand was so soft it made me smile. I mean, SMILE. I hadn’t been to the beach in years, due to this skin I was cursed with (never stopped me when I was a teenager, however). I hadn’t remembered it being so pleasant to walk in. We didn’t appreciate it so much as kids.


    Comment by Pati Beardsley — October 22, 2006 @ 3:00 pm

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