October 8, 2006

Picnic In The Park

Category: 30 Year Reunion — Chuck @ 6:23 pm

Saturday PicnicOur last reunion event took place today at Oscar Sherer State Park.

As has been normal this weekend, the committee did a great job of planning and preparing. The meal was ribs, chicken, slaw, etc. from The Oaks BBQ.

We had a lot of food left over but fortunately someone brought zip loc bags so we all were able to do take out.

Saturday PicnicI just got into my Mother-in-law’s house in Ft. Lauderdale and had it for supper. Mmm good.

I think we had about 50 people show up today and it was a really nice and relaxing way to wind down the weekend. The park was beautiful.

Bennie had arranged for some canoes and a number of us were able to go out on the creek and paddle around. I didn’t bring my camera in the canoe but Bennie and Liz had there’s. I’m counting on them to email me one.


1 Comment

  1. Hi, I was pleasantly surprised Friday night when Sharon Buchanon tapped me on the shoulder lightly to show me the sign hanging, that I had painted for the tenth year reunion. It was still around and still in tact after twenty years. I had completely forgotten about it. ( having a senior moment when she tapped me on the shoulder ) It’s holding up pretty well… Thank you Sharon for storing it all these years!!! Nancy Nelson Gordon

    Comment by Nancy Nelson gordon — October 8, 2006 @ 8:44 pm

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