May 27, 2006

Oh Danny Boy

Category: Alumni — Chuck @ 5:40 am

Danny Michaels-1984From Jeff Swain, via Bennie Barton we have Danny Michaels (1984). From Jeff:

This is Danny Michaels, looking sharp in his tuxedo, taken in 1984 at our (Mary Early & my) wedding at First Methodist church in downtown Sarasota. Historians among us will also morn the loss of Tuckers store (shown in the background), which I used to love going to as a boy.

And added from Bennie:

I remember buying my Riverview Varsity Letter Jacket at Tuckers. Truth be told, now this goes way back, I remember buying my Cub Scout uniform at Tuckers as well. It was a great old small-town institution that sadly represents the growing trend of big/new pushing out the small/ old retailers.

1 Comment

  1. Hi Jeff,
    What I remember most about this part of town was tagging along with my mom when she’d have to go pick up my sister from dance practice, which was also across the street from the Methodist Church. I know that Mary spent a good deal of time in both places, too.

    By the way, where in the world is Dan these days? I sure hope I’ve got the correct address for him!! Be sure to tell him about the reunion, okay?

    -Nancy T.

    Comment by Nancy Tatom — May 30, 2006 @ 8:02 pm

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