January 8, 2006

Now & Then With Diana (Wilcox) Layman

Category: Pictures — Chuck @ 2:29 pm

Diana Wilcox ThenI’ll get better at this “now & then” thing. Give me time. Here’s Diana (Wilcox) Layman as she was then.

Diana Wilcox NowI just got some pics from her. So, here she is now.

Diana Layman FamilyThis is her family and what she writes.

. . . our family has recently moved to temporary quarters in Bozeman, Montana. We are moving again in 30 days into our permanent home on a mountain just outside Bozeman. I will provide new address, email, etc. as it becomes available. We moved to Bozeman from New Jersey, where we had been living since being married 16 years ago. My husband is a psychiatrist who just took over the major mental health facility here in Bozeman. We have two children, girls (10 and 5) adopted from China. Along with a partner, I am a nationally syndicated newspaper columnist. We are known as the Small Business professor and write for Scripps Howard News Service under the slug, BIZPROF. Go to : http://www.shns.com/shns/g_index2.cfm?action=detail&pk=BIZPROF-01-04-06 for my latest column about Sam Adams Beer. I am also working on a book and The Small Business Professor commercial website which will support the book.

Thanks Diana. Got some spare time to write for our website? If so, I can set you up with a user account.


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